Landaul, Landévant, Pluvigner - Circuit les bons-voisins

WalkAverage12.7 km2 h 32 minLoop
20 Lieu Dit Locmaria
56690 Landévant
Duration: 3h Distance: 12km Difficulty level: Medium Yellow markup Altitude difference - All year A wide route passing on Landaul, Landévant and Pluvigner, between village, countryside and forest. Kergroëz Creek is famous for trout and salmon fishing. Departure: Leave the Chapel of Our Lady of Locmaria, listed as a Historic Monument. It is built on an old Gallo-Roman building. Built at the beginning of the 13th century, it underwent reworkings mixing the Romanesque and Gothic styles. This remarkable chapel is covered with medieval paintings, from the ground to the frame, which are among the oldest in Morbihan. Since 2009, the Chapel has benefited from several restoration campaigns that allow today to appreciate this unique setting, alternating representations of religious scenes, secular and geometric decorations.Beautiful Romanesque capitals are carved with grimacing human heads and animals. Open from mid-June to mid-September. Go left on the road towards the mill of Plusquen. 1 At the bridge of Plusquen, turn left in the dirt road for 20 m. Then enter left into the wood. Further, two possibilities: markings on the right or on the left, the paths meet soon after. 2 On the way, turn left at the top of the hill and follow the path. 3 In Cosquer-Saint-Goal, turn right, follow the road and turn left. 4 Cross the D33 and continue on the road opposite. 500 m, turn left towards Kerivaut Saint-Guy. 5 In Kerivaut Saint-Guy, take the path on the right for 1 km, follow the signs and then take the wooded path. 6 At the Kergroëz stream, turn left, walk along the stream and cross the bridge. 7 Walk along the slope to the left, go up the field and cross the embankment. To see: pretty fountain. Continue on the path through the woods. 8 At Coêt Drian, take the road on the left and then turn left again towards Bodalan for about 1 km. 9 After Bodalan, turn left and follow the path for 400 m. Continue on the right, follow the wooded path. 10 After 400 m turn left into the woods. Follow the embankment before going down the path to the D33. 11 Take the road to the left. At Good Neighbor Bridge, turn right and follow the river for 1 km. 12 Cross the river and go up the wooded path. Follow the path to reach the starting point. Focus: • The chapel of Locmaria was built on an old Gallo-Roman building. Located on the route of the Tro Breizh and the pilgrimage of Sainte-Anne d'Auray, it served as a place of rest and care for pilgrims. Since 2009, she has had a major restoration campaign. The first phase of the site has uncovered ancient paintings on the arcades and the frame (thirteenth-eighteenth centuries):red, ocher, white and black geometric shapes. The 2nd phase unveiled a figurative cycle of more than 13 characters (13th century). The restoration aims to reveal these exceptional paintings. Open punctually (inquire at the tourist office).

Your contact

Office de tourisme de la Baie de Quiberon
14 rue de Verdun
56170 Quiberon
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Positive elevation (ascent): 95 m
Negative elevation (descent): 96 m

Road surfaces

12.7 km on unknown surface in the Open Street Map database

Office de tourisme de la Baie de Quiberon