Erdeven - Circuit VTT - Le cordon dunaire

Mountain bikeAverage14.8 km1 h 26 minLoop
15 Rue Du Grand Large
56410 Erdeven
Duration : 1h15Distance : 20 kmDifficulty level : Medium (average height difference: 80m) Course n ° 5 green From the Atlantic coast to the Erdeven forest. Departure: This circuit starts from the parking lot of the Grand Large sports complex, located rue du Grand Large in Erdeven. Step by step : 1) Follow the signs leading to the coast and the Roche Sèche site, crossing several charming villages. Observe the remains of the Atlantic Wall dating from WWII: in addition to bunkers, winter stormsallow regular discovery on the beach of other defensive elements hitherto buried under the sand (Belgian gate, tetrahedron, piece of rail, etc.). Walk along the ocean and its dune ridge to the Barre d'Etel, a perpetual sandbankmovement at the mouth of the Ria.It is the underwater continuation of the dune ridge from Penthièvre to Gâvres subject to the influence of winds and tidal currents. 2) Arrive at Etel and continue the route via the paths and paths of Erdeven for a return to the village through the forest.

Your contact

Office de tourisme de la Baie de Quiberon
14 rue de Verdun
56170 Quiberon
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Positive elevation (ascent): 10 m
Negative elevation (descent): 11 m

Route development

51% shared roads
48% cycle paths
28% cycle routes
19% greenways

Road surfaces

3.13 km on asphalt or tarred road
7.47 km on unknown surface in the Open Street Map database
263 m on rolling path (compacted sand, gravel, cobblestones)
3.93 km on trail and off-road track

Office de tourisme de la Baie de Quiberon