Plouharnel - Circuit VTT - Le chemin des 4 vents

Mountain bikeAverage20.6 km2 h 02 minLoop
Parc d'Activité du Plasker
56340 Plouharnel
Duration : 1h20Distance : 20 kmDifficulty level : Medium (average height difference: 50m) Course n ° 2 green This circuit allows you to discover, or rediscover, the riches of the natural and built heritage of Plouharnel and to appreciate the diversity of its landscape, from the countryside to the dunes, from the ocean to the Bay of Quiberon. Departure: From the parking lot of the Plouharnel Tourist Office, where the map of this route is available, turn right along the supermarket to reach rue Plasker. Step by step : 1) At the next intersection, continue opposite by the path. After passing the Henlis subdivision on the right and then taking the wooded path, turn left to reach Brénantec. In the hamlet, turn left then follow the marked path to the right.Continue on this road until you reach the D781 and take it for a few meters to the right. After passing the railway line, turn right then immediately left, at the white house, to join a marked path again. 2) Follow the markup. At Kerarno Street, you can take a small detour by taking the path opposite to discover, about 1 km further, the Dolmen and the Quadrilateral of Crucuno. This megalithic enclosure dating from the Neolithic era today consists of 22 menhirs, two of which are lying. Historical monument since 1889, it was restored by Felix Gaillard during the same period. The latter erected and arranged the menhirs, then lying down, in order to orient them on the cardinal points and to make the diagonals correspond to the sunrises and sunsets at the solstices. Then return to rue de Kerarno before turning right towards Kergazec. Turn left in the hamlet of Kergazec to join the D781. Now cross the secondary road and continue on the path opposite.3) The route leads here to Sainte-Barbe, its small village, then to its large ocean side beach popular with surfers. Enjoy this walk in the dunes, observe the remains of the historic site of Bégo (nearly 180 concrete structures scattered in the dune of Plouharnel). This coastal defensive line fulfilled a double mission during the Second World War: to protect the harbor of Lorient and the U. Boats of Admiral Dönitz and to prevent a possible landing of Allied troops on the Atlantic coast. It is one of the most powerful batteries in the Atlantic Wall. Follow the signs to the D768, take it to the right. At the second roundabout, head towards Sables Blancs beach, very popular with kite-surfers and windsurfers. Walk along the Baie de Plouharnel to the level crossing. 4) After a stop at the Chouannerie Museum, the route continues through the Plouharnelaise countryside to return to the city center. On the way back, at rue du Pont Neuf, turn left onto a small path which joins rue Hoche.Discover the Dolmens de Rondossec, a monument dating from the Neolithic era made up of 3 passage tombs included in a long cairn. The marked path now leads back to the starting point, the Tourist Office.

Your contact

Office de tourisme de la Baie de Quiberon
14 rue de Verdun
56170 Quiberon
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Negative elevation (descent): 10 m
Positive elevation (ascent): 10 m

Route development

52% shared roads
47% cycle paths
16% cycle routes
7% greenways

Road surfaces

5.49 km on asphalt or tarred road
8.24 km on unknown surface in the Open Street Map database
1.79 km on rolling path (compacted sand, gravel, cobblestones)
5.09 km on trail and off-road track

Office de tourisme de la Baie de Quiberon